Have you ever thought about how much life is a pattern.
Just look around you and you will see. Everything has a begining and an end right?
Within the begining and end of each creation there is a progression which becomes a story.
This story evolves into the definition of the use and meaning of everything here.
Look at how basic materialistic objects are interweaved into our society.
We can see at first there is an inventor, someone who has a charasmastic idea that
others will find pleasure in this creation.
Next the idea enters into a process of physical creation, from this point it because a lost cause.
This idea has become a physical object that can be easily put into the hands of unthinkable people.
A lost cause?? Oh yeah!
It begins with a person, a simple yet beautiful well cared for human being.
This human decides they need more in their life to find happyness or just satisfaction in society.
Then they take this thing and introduce it to the people in his daily life,
maybe even radom strangers for the heck of it.
Eventually everything transcends into a war.
A war begins for this object to become a new generations identity.
I becomes the reason for lives to connect with other lives, no matter where you are.
This is the idea we get in our heads, the idea that we couldn't be happy with any other way of connecting.
Our life become sucked into this progression.
Our identities are ruined and rewritten by the satisfaction of this once simplistic object.
We allow ourselves to be a part of the twindle end to just another charastmatic creation.
So few even know what the begining of the story is anymore, but it doesn't matter.
What matters is that we reconnect ourselves to our true identity and don't allow an idea to control our life.
What we need to do is realize that as a person created with much more creativity than a human mind can imagine, through our powerful God we can do anything.
We can choose to take on the name of Christ and discover our true identity.
A idenity that is not difned by a meaningless pattern.
We have the authority to take control over that and walk with our Father,
and allow him to show us his creativity and wonders.
It's so much more than we will ever know.
God has revealed to me my identity.
to be a servant of miracles to all nations.
2nd Corinthians 6:6
Galations 5:5
1 Timothy
Mattew 12
Isaiah 40
Indie Rock and rubix cubes.